Thursday, October 7, 2021

Time to start editing!


                                                                 Time to start editing!

Today it was time to start editing. Since I wasn't here at school during the time when my team filmed I had to get them to send me the footage. When I got it I did not know what to aspect since I had no idea what they filmed and how it looked. When I got the Footage it was a bit of a.... shock. Some of the clips had kind of bad lighting and somewhat bad quality. I was Lind of upset they couldn't get better quality shots but that's just how it is I guess. Through I wasn't too worried about it since I can try and fix it while editing which is pretty simple. First I will put the clips altogether and then come up with a way to make everything look nice. The editing for the commercial won't be anything too special since all I would need to do is cut the clips and put them in an order that I want. And also add a song/ sound underneath that will go with what is going on. Then to fix the bad lighting I would add brightness then sharpen the picture. It is a pretty solid plan that I have come up with and will be pretty simple to implement. Through finding the correct song to use may be somewhat of problem. Well not a problem per se but something that I need to think about. So I will absolutely looking at the research I did earlier to find a song that would match well with the commercial. That is really important since the commercial has to have the right vibe. I will do my best during the editing process to make my commercial amazing. I am so determined to make it as good as possible. I have already started to edit and it should be finished tomorrow. I am also thinking of adding some type of effect to the commercial so it will stand out and look good. I will don everything I can to make this commercial amazing.

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